Mission Partners

First Baptist Church has a long history with the Canadian Baptists of Western Canada. Partnership with the CBWC (formerly the Baptist Union of Western Canada) allows us to express our faith together with other Christians across western Canada and to minister together. For more information on the CBWC, please visit www.cbwc.ca.

The Quest at Christopher Lake
The Quest is a Bible camp and retreat center located at Christopher Lake, just 30 minutes north of Prince Albert. In partnering with other congregations in Central Saskatchewan, we’ve worked together to help support this important camp ministry to help develop leaders and share the gospel with all ages. First Baptist Church has a close connection with The Quest both because of its proximity to us and because of our deep value for the ministry of the camp. For more information about The Quest, please go to www.questnet.ca.

NCEM is an interdenominational ministry seeking to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ among and in partnership with the Aboriginal Peoples of Canada. For more information about NCEM, go to http://ncem.ca/

We also support E3 ministries. their mission is: EQUIPPING God’s people to EVANGELIZE His world by ESTABLISHING healthy, multiplying, transformative churches everywhere. For more information about E3 ministries, go to https://e3partners.ca.

CIAM Radio
We as a church support the work of Victory FM - CIAM radio. “CIAM’s Vision is to Bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to Communities Across Canada by Partnering with Christians to Establish Non-commercial, Community FM Radio Broadcasts.” For more information about CIAM and the work they're doing, go to http://ciamradio.com/saskatchewan/victory-fm/